Author Topic: Rumia Quest - Another  (Read 481530 times)

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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #570 on: August 15, 2021, 02:50:01 AM »
>Pull the instruments into the Shadow Realm

>Pull Meiling, the mermaid, and all the fairies that don't belong with musicians except Clownpiece into our realm

>"You wander in my domain, my flesh and you threaten those under my protection.  Nay, but I will have tribute for your passage and this gross insult!"

>Eat the fairies shadows except for Clownpiece and steal the phantoms' shadows if they have them.
Shadow Realm:
>"Can we create darkness solid enough to prevent sound from passing through in one direction? I may need to bring some idiots that can influence your mind with music here if the current situation I'm in escalates. If it comes to it, then you do not have to be present if you don't want to."
>If shadow answers yes to the soundproofing question, create a hollow sphere with such properties (allowing sound to pass from out to in but not the other way) capable of holding three stooges if it came to it.
>If not: "Fine then. I'll/We'll have to deal with them without protection... "
>Prepare a table with enough chairs for each of the stooges and their associates, as well as a throne at one end of the table for ourselves, and another next to it for Shadow if she wishes to remain here.
>Create a pool of darkness water for the mermaid. We like her and want her to remain comfortable for her potential visit.
>"...we really should buy a tea set for this place."

>"Well excuse me for being cautious against a potential threat that lured us here with music and blatantly stated that they would be willing to violate the spellcard rules. This is your last chance to settle things, either peacefully or through the spellcard rules, otherwise I will have no choice but to put you and your associates into timeout for a bit so that everyone else can go back to sleep. Consider yourselves lucky that I'm giving you this chance despite the fact that you threatened my fairy, and so I heavily advise you take it."

>Send spores into the dark spaces of the other instruments as well, if we can (staying out of the trio's line of sight when we infiltrate.)

>Direct some of our dispersed darkness into air around the trio and their associates such that we can increase our density, engulf them, and send them to the Shadow Realm at a moment's notice.

>If our threat is ignored AND if without the below actions being here the parser won't give us a chance to react before they start playing the instruments:
>>Send the aforementioned individuals and their associates to the Shadow Realm if they ignore our threat and decide not to engage in danmaku/reopen negotiations and start playing.
>>Have the darkness in the violin solidify and fill the chamber within in order to disable the instrument without breaking it. Cut the strings with a sharpened tendril if this fails and we don't think we can send them to the realm before being affected by the music.
>>Have the darkness in the other instruments solidify as well to block air passage through the trumpet and to paralyze whatever moving parts the other thing has. Don't do anything to damage these instruments if that fails, though.
>>Drop the mermaid into the 'water' we prepared for her. Have everyone else land near a chair. Drop the stooges in the soundproof orb if we were able to create it.
>Please do not do this.

//I mean, I do intend to send them to the shadow realm if they continue to escalate but this seems way more extreme than what I think is appropriate.
//We can discuss what to do with their shadows if and when we actually send them in there, AND things break down further.
//Also Meiling has nothing to do with this, so she shouldn't be brought in.

//I do wish we got to taste fairy shadow.
> "We can prevent light from passing through our darkness. So sound shouldn't be impossible... right?" Shadow thinks hopefully.
> You try to create an orb with the properties of letting light in, but not out, except with sound instead of light. That's... the best way you can think of it. It's not like you study these...
> You also make some furniture for the "guests"

> The red one has already been playing her instrument since she's appeared. It's just the white one who's instrument isn't doing anything.
> You spread your darkness more, with them seemingly unaware. Though the other two are visibly taken aback when you get darkness into their instruments.
> "Ew, that's what you felt?" The one in red questions, looking towards the one in black.
> "If this ends up being the work of a human that isn't from the village, can we kill them?" the one in white requests.
> "I don't think we'll take your offer. Try your worst." The violinist replies.
> With the music starting to get louder, you start sending people (and the instruments) into your shadow realm, as well as using your darkness to jam and stop the instruments.

> The trio look around in surprise at their sudden new location. You believe the red one says something, but you don't hear anything.
> The mermaid falls into the water harmlessly, though something emerges from her chest in a hurry, scrambling to get atop her head.
> "Why did you jump? Wait, where are we?" The something, which appears to be an adorably tiny person, questions. "Did that voice we were hearing do this?"
> "I-I didn't jump. And I don't... know." The mermaid looks around.

> "A bit of a letdown... We didn't even get to do anything." Hecatia complains. "If that was Rumia, hopefully she gets back at them for threatening Clownpiece."
> "That doesn't seem to be all of them." Junko speaks.

> In the absence of the trio with instruments, a new trio - again with different instruments, appears, slightly above where they were, but slightly further away from the lake compared to the previous.
> "Looks like Lyrica stopped playing." One speaks, with a sort of guitar chained to her wrist. "We're not hidden."
> "That's obvious. More importantly, we have another cocky group following fairies to deal with." The second speaks, strings along her skirt as if they were a part of it. "They even took the princesses...
> "No, what's most important is that they seem to have no respect for music, nor instruments." The third, a women with a set of drums and sitting on one, frowns. "It's intolerable to let them go. I'm not waiting for the Miracle Mallet."
« Last Edit: August 15, 2021, 03:43:08 AM by Neovereign »

Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #571 on: August 15, 2021, 03:02:26 AM »
Shadow Realm:
>"I did say I'd prefer a danmaku duel and this was plan B, A was much worse."
>"Oh, wait no, this is Plan C.  Plan A was danmaku."

>"Anyway this is the Shadow Realm."
>"Oh, uh would like a chair or something miss?"

>"I'm more of nature's music or lute kind of gal."


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #572 on: August 15, 2021, 03:19:06 AM »
>Are we in range to grab the new trio/get close enough to send them (and their instruments) to the shadow realm in the same manner at a moment's notice?
>If so, grab them too and send them (and their instruments) to the soundproof ball.
>If not move into position as we speak. Do not speak from the part that's moving.

>"Don't worry, none of the people who were just sent to time-out will be harmed. I'll bring them back once everything calms down and we've talked things over. The rest of you can go back to your business."
>Have the dispersed parts of us near Junko, Hecatia, and Clownpiece whisper: "Would you like to sit in on the negotiations, my companions, or would you prefer to go back to sleep? Also even though I say they won't be harmed, I'm still not letting the one that threatened Clownpiece get away unpunished."
>>If we can't yoink the new trio (and their instruments) immediately, "Also for the record I have nothing against music or instruments. I was merely responding to a threat against a friend."

Shadow Realm:
>Have our darkness in the mermaid's ear disperse into near invisible mist and come back to us.
>"Sorry about the rough landing, Miss Mermaid. I tried to make it comfortable for you."
>"Anyway, I brought these three and their associates here so we can talk things out peacefully and to prevent this little misunderstanding from escalating any further. None of you will be harmed while you're here, and you will be returned to Gensokyo at the end of this, though I will be putting barriers around you if you start getting violent."
>Turn to the stooges:
>"Apologies about the barrier, but it did seem like you were going to weaponize your instruments so I had to take precautions. I'll let you out if you promise to keep things civil. Also it's soundproofed one-way so a simple nod will suffice."
>"Also those other three who I assume are with you will be here shortly."
>Extend the table and prepare three new chairs.
>"I hope the accommodations are appropriate too, I'd serve some tea but I unfortunately don't own a tea set..."
« Last Edit: August 15, 2021, 04:06:07 AM by Evil_Nazgul0616 »


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #573 on: August 15, 2021, 03:40:10 AM »
>Hold everything.
>Retroactively make it so that we brought the trio's instrument's with them. Since the last parse literally just happened and it's very weird that we didn't do so as part of bringing the trio in.
>Allow time to edit our current queued actions if this is applicable and allowable.

//Phil can you back me up on this? because for all intents and purposes the action shouldn't have separated them with the way it played out.

« Last Edit: August 15, 2021, 03:49:33 AM by Evil_Nazgul0616 »

Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #574 on: August 15, 2021, 03:47:08 AM »
//Yeah, I thought we were taking the instruments
//The soundproof dome is not useful without them


//Oh, I see the misunderstanding.  We said send the individuals and didn't include their instruments.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2021, 03:49:40 AM by Philosopher »


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #575 on: August 15, 2021, 03:52:56 AM »
//Oh, I see the misunderstanding.  We said send the individuals and didn't include their instruments.
//Even if we didn't specify it's 1. A logical assumption to take the instruments with them and 2. the instruments were in close enough proximity to them that we should've engulfed them anyway.

//Also Phil brings up a good point of the fact that I wouldn't have made a soundproof dome if I wasn't intending to bring the instruments too.

//Also Neo, if the answer is a definite no and there's absolutely no convincing either of us can do to have you allow the retcon just this once, then I will need time to edit my post because it was written on the assumption that the instruments came with them.

Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #576 on: August 15, 2021, 03:54:22 AM »
//Neo already changed it


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #577 on: August 15, 2021, 03:55:19 AM »
>Hold everything.
>Retroactively make it so that we brought the trio's instrument's with them. Since the last parse literally just happened and it's very weird that we didn't do so as part of bringing the trio in.
>Allow time to edit our current queued actions if this is applicable and allowable.

//Phil can you back me up on this? because for all intents and purposes the action shouldn't have separated them.
//Edited to include such despite the actions never specifying bringing the instruments, as well as the insistence on making sure they could be contained "at a moment's notice".
//Actually include such in your posts next time instead of hoping it can be rewritten in your favor after the fact.
//I shouldn't have done this since I questioned someone else with this scenario about if they were to parse it, "obviously not. Call me a bitch. but they didn't specify", but I'll let this one go. For better or for worse compared to the alternative.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #578 on: August 15, 2021, 03:57:52 AM »
//Thank you.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #579 on: August 15, 2021, 04:30:59 AM »
Shadow Realm:
>"I did say I'd prefer a danmaku duel and this was plan B, A was much worse."
>"Oh, wait no, this is Plan C.  Plan A was danmaku."

>"Anyway this is the Shadow Realm."
>"Oh, uh would like a chair or something miss?"

>"I'm more of nature's music or lute kind of gal."
>Are we in range to grab the new trio/get close enough to send them (and their instruments) to the shadow realm in the same manner at a moment's notice?
>If so, grab them too and send them (and their instruments) to the soundproof ball.
>If not move into position as we speak. Do not speak from the part that's moving.

>"Don't worry, none of the people who were just sent to time-out will be harmed. I'll bring them back once everything calms down and we've talked things over. The rest of you can go back to your business."
>Have the dispersed parts of us near Junko, Hecatia, and Clownpiece whisper: "Would you like to sit in on the negotiations, my companions, or would you prefer to go back to sleep? Also even though I say they won't be harmed, I'm still not letting the one that threatened Clownpiece get away unpunished."
>>If we can't yoink the new trio (and their instruments) immediately, "Also for the record I have nothing against music or instruments. I was merely responding to a threat against a friend."

Shadow Realm:
>Have our darkness in the mermaid's ear disperse into near invisible mist and come back to us.
>"Sorry about the rough landing, Miss Mermaid. I tried to make it comfortable for you."
>"Anyway, I brought these three and their associates here so we can talk things out peacefully and to prevent this little misunderstanding from escalating any further. None of you will be harmed while you're here, and you will be returned to Gensokyo at the end of this, though I will be putting barriers around you if you start getting violent."
>Turn to the stooges:
>"Apologies about the barrier, but it did seem like you were going to weaponize your instruments so I had to take precautions. I'll let you out if you promise to keep things civil. Also it's soundproofed one-way so a simple nod will suffice."
>"Also those other three who I assume are with you will be here shortly."
>Extend the table and prepare three new chairs.
>"I hope the accommodations are appropriate too, I'd serve some tea but I unfortunately don't own a tea set..."
> You are in range. Thus, you send the new trio and their instruments into your shadow realm as well.
> "We should be there for backup." Junko speaks. "That melancholic feeling they made us feel is easy to purify."
> Clownpiece and Hecatia nod.

> The black clothed one speaks something, looking around, while the other two seem to be causing a commotion, or trying to.
> The new arrivals are quiet, also looking around, aside from the one with the drums. She's visibly shaking a bit.
> The violinist starts to float up, before... passing through your barrier with ease.
> "...Idiots. We're phantoms. Remember? This isn't a seal or anything."
> The red and white duo look at eachother, before doing the same.
> "But they aren't..." The one in white looks back at the orb still containing the new three.
> "Not like we needed to move. Raiko's here." The violinist speaks, sitting down where she is. "And she looks like she's ready to deal with all of this."
> "You should've left our instruments alone." The one in red speaks, tapping her instrument as if to try and fix it.
> The previously shaking drum woman now has a pair of drumsticks in her hands.
> The mermaid does not appear to have any words to contribute...


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #580 on: August 15, 2021, 04:49:42 AM »
>To our companions: "Alright. Be warned that the one with the drum is about to try something. She's inside a soundproof barrier, but there's no telling if she has an ability that can bypass it."
>Send Clownpiece, Junko, and Hecatia to the shadow realm if they're fine with that. Deposit them near our end of the table. Make thrones for them as well, have the one intended for Clownpiece be the biggest one there. Make Hecatia's bigger than ours as well.

Shadow Realm:
>("...Could we have made that impervious to phantoms? If not then that's definitely something to research later.")
>"Look, I'm sorry about infiltrating and jamming up your instruments, but you were threatening us with non-spellcard combat and I needed to take appropriate precautions... I intend to release my hold on them, provided everyone intends to keep things civil."
>>If we didn't have to cut the violin's strings: "Besides, it's not like I actually damaged them. I may have been trying to stop you but I'm not the kind of jerk that would just intentionally break a musician's instrument. All I want is a peaceful conversation..."
>>If we did have to resort to that: "Besides, I tried not to damage them as much as possible. Even going for the part that can be most easily repaired on the violin. I may have been trying to stop you, but I'm not the kind of person who would just permanently break a musician's instrument... All I want is a peaceful conversation..."

>Wait to see if Phil has anything to add/change.

Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #581 on: August 15, 2021, 05:39:15 AM »
>Where are and what are the fairies associated with the musicians doing?

>"How much was the music affecting everyone?"

Shadow Realm:
>Every hostile that isn't a poltergeist, cover their eyes with darkness
>"And they smote the men that were at the door of the house with blindness, both small and great"


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #582 on: August 15, 2021, 05:43:36 AM »
Shadow Realm:
>Every hostile that isn't a poltergeist, cover their eyes with darkness
>"And they smote the men that were at the door of the house with blindness, both small and great"
>Don't do this. (Sorry that I keep making these kinds of posts btw...)

//Trying not to be too aggressive here. Plus I think blinding everyone won't give much points in our favor...

Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #583 on: August 15, 2021, 05:48:14 AM »
>Look to Meiling and the other fairies
->"How are you guys doing?"


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #584 on: August 15, 2021, 06:14:34 AM »
>To our companions: "Alright. Be warned that the one with the drum is about to try something. She's inside a soundproof barrier, but there's no telling if she has an ability that can bypass it."
>Send Clownpiece, Junko, and Hecatia to the shadow realm if they're fine with that. Deposit them near our end of the table. Make thrones for them as well, have the one intended for Clownpiece be the biggest one there. Make Hecatia's bigger than ours as well.

Shadow Realm:
>("...Could we have made that impervious to phantoms? If not then that's definitely something to research later.")
>"Look, I'm sorry about infiltrating and jamming up your instruments, but you were threatening us with non-spellcard combat and I needed to take appropriate precautions... I intend to release my hold on them, provided everyone intends to keep things civil."
>>If we didn't have to cut the violin's strings: "Besides, it's not like I actually damaged them. I may have been trying to stop you but I'm not the kind of jerk that would just intentionally break a musician's instrument. All I want is a peaceful conversation..."
>>If we did have to resort to that: "Besides, I tried not to damage them as much as possible. Even going for the part that can be most easily repaired on the violin. I may have been trying to stop you, but I'm not the kind of person who would just permanently break a musician's instrument... All I want is a peaceful conversation..."

>Wait to see if Phil has anything to add/change.
>Where are and what are the fairies associated with the musicians doing?

>"How much was the music affecting everyone?"

Shadow Realm:
>Every hostile that isn't a poltergeist, cover their eyes with darkness
>"And they smote the men that were at the door of the house with blindness, both small and great"
>Don't do this. (Sorry that I keep making these kinds of posts btw...)

//Trying not to be too aggressive here. Plus I think blinding everyone won't give much points in our favor...
>Look to Meiling and the other fairies
->"How are you guys doing?"
> "Oh we're fine now. Don't worry about us." Junko says.
> "A little weirded by what just happened... But fine." Meiling speaks.
> You bring your trio to your shadow realm, putting them on your side of the table with furniture to match.
> The fairies are sitting at the chairs in confusion, though not getting up. Maybe out of fear?

> ("I don't think we could. Species blocking isn't our thing. Maybe, though? We'd need to learn a lot about ghosts and phantoms if so.")
> You didn't have to cut the strings. So you speak appropriately.
> "Someone started this with an attack on the lake, however small that was. You escalated it with intruding our instruments, and now bringing us here." The violinist speaks. "If this is how high you can take it, that's unfortunate. Our group still has more we can do."
> The drum girl is tapping her drumstick against one of the drums lightly, nodding her head slightly in rhythm, while looking around. You hear nothing coming from within the orb.
> The two musicians alongside her are nodding as well.
> The mermaid and the tiny person are nodding their head at the same rate.
> As are Clownpiece, Hecatia, Junko, and yourself.
> Even all of the fairies are doing such in sync. Everyone within your shadow realm is now... It's a bit ominous with this silence.
> "Well uh, this is strange..." Junko speaks.

Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #585 on: August 15, 2021, 06:36:57 AM »
>Are the fish head bobbing
->If so say, "Look, the fish are dancing!"

>Send a tendril of darkness along the ground and look for the drummer's shadow.

>"What are your wishes commander?"


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #586 on: August 15, 2021, 06:42:56 AM »
>"Yeah, sorry if it seemed creepy, but I needed to send them somewhere where they would have no choice but to sit down and talk. Really hope things didn't have to come to that, though. But to be fair I did warn them..."
>"So... For those of you still sticking around, does anyone have any ideas about who allegedly attacked the lake and started this little misunderstanding?"

Shadow Realm:
>"I only escalated because you did, and because you were threatening not only us, but everyone you called together, and to be fair I did warn you before I brought you here."
>"And no, this isn't all I can do. It's just that I'd rather not hurt anybody here unnecessarily."
>"Also neat rhythm power. Shame I don't trust that any music you guys play won't influence our minds right now or I'd let the others play along. Maybe get the mermaid's beautiful voice in on it too..."
>"Anyway, we're going to get nowhere if we keep fighting. Wouldn't it be nice just to calm down, have a nice talk, and perhaps reach a mutual understanding?"

>Let's not ask Clownpiece for direction yet, unless she spontaneously decides she wants to order us around. We seem to be handling things well so far.
>Why send a tendril from ourselves when we can just manifest one from the floor directly? This is our realm after all. Do that instead.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #587 on: August 15, 2021, 07:17:52 AM »
>Are the fish head bobbing
->If so say, "Look, the fish are dancing!"

>Send a tendril of darkness along the ground and look for the drummer's shadow.

>"What are your wishes commander?"
>"Yeah, sorry if it seemed creepy, but I needed to send them somewhere where they would have no choice but to sit down and talk. Really hope things didn't have to come to that, though. But to be fair I did warn them..."
>"So... For those of you still sticking around, does anyone have any ideas about who allegedly attacked the lake and started this little misunderstanding?"

Shadow Realm:
>"I only escalated because you did, and because you were threatening not only us, but everyone you called together, and to be fair I did warn you before I brought you here."
>"And no, this isn't all I can do. It's just that I'd rather not hurt anybody here unnecessarily."
>"Also neat rhythm power. Shame I don't trust that any music you guys play won't influence our minds right now or I'd let the others play along. Maybe get the mermaid's beautiful voice in on it too..."
>"Anyway, we're going to get nowhere if we keep fighting. Wouldn't it be nice just to calm down, have a nice talk, and perhaps reach a mutual understanding?"

>Let's not ask Clownpiece for direction yet, unless she spontaneously decides she wants to order us around. We seem to be handling things well so far.
>Why send a tendril from ourselves when we can just manifest one from the floor directly? This is our realm after all. Do that instead.
> "None of us did..." Meiling looks between her fairies.
> "We were trying to get sleep." One of the fairies with her adds.
> The fish are indeed bobbing their heads.

> You seek out the drummer's shadow, finding it
> "If you're saying fish, then-"
> The drumming girl stops. Or rather, slows down, to a taps every few seconds.
> No one moves aside from her.
> ...
> Few is an understatement. the time between the taps is painfully long. But still consistent...
> "Nothing really happened around here, actually." Meiling says. "At least near the mansion. Or where it used to be."
> Well, you think you can move? Just, only when there's a tap.
> With her other hand, the drummer starts tapping at a different speed on another drum, gesturing with her head towards the mermaid and the tiny person.
> Only the latter moves, looking around.
> "A-Ah. You want my help?"
> You're not sure this is fair... The pauses are insanely long. And the taps are insanely brief.
> Then again, in this situation and place, you should've been the one with the huge lead over them. Maybe it comes down to who strikes first. Still, this is your realm. You should be capable of something.

Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #588 on: August 15, 2021, 07:27:35 AM »
>Form a solid shadow over the stick when can we move so the drummer cannot pull it back
->Then wrap the drummer's hand in place so she cannot move it


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #589 on: August 15, 2021, 07:41:34 AM »
>Are our bodies outside the realm being affected?

>"Where it used to be...?"

Shadow Realm:
>At the next tap form a rigid disk of darkness between the drumstick with the faster rhythm and its drum.
>>If we can manage it, form ones over the other drums as well except for the one that is linked to everyone's movement.
>>If there are cymbals form spheres around them.
>"Can't we all just get along? I really don't want to start hurting people."
>To mermaid: "Also yeah, I'm trying to see if I can start a breeding population in here... Since if I keep having to take from the lake I'm sure someone will get upset eventually... If you have any pointers I'd love to hear them after this is over. Also sorry if my fishing scared or worried you at all in either of the two times I've done it..."

//Hmm... not sure if your method or mine is better, Phil. I'm trying to force it so that the drum tied to us is the only one she can hit, and I'm not sure if immobilizing her would leave everyone paralyzed or not.

//What do you think?

>Wait for Phil's response since it may lead to an edit to prevent deadlock/nonaction in a critical moment like this.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2021, 07:46:29 AM by Evil_Nazgul0616 »

Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #590 on: August 15, 2021, 07:46:41 AM »

//If I'm wrong we paralyze ourself


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #591 on: August 15, 2021, 09:12:29 AM »
>Form a solid shadow over the stick when can we move so the drummer cannot pull it back
->Then wrap the drummer's hand in place so she cannot move it
>Are our bodies outside the realm being affected?

>"Where it used to be...?"

Shadow Realm:
>At the next tap form a rigid disk of darkness between the drumstick with the faster rhythm and its drum.
>>If we can manage it, form ones over the other drums as well except for the one that is linked to everyone's movement.
>>If there are cymbals form spheres around them.
>"Can't we all just get along? I really don't want to start hurting people."
>To mermaid: "Also yeah, I'm trying to see if I can start a breeding population in here... Since if I keep having to take from the lake I'm sure someone will get upset eventually... If you have any pointers I'd love to hear them after this is over. Also sorry if my fishing scared or worried you at all in either of the two times I've done it..."

//Hmm... not sure if your method or mine is better, Phil. I'm trying to force it so that the drum tied to us is the only one she can hit, and I'm not sure if immobilizing her would leave everyone paralyzed or not.

//What do you think?

>Wait for Phil's response since it may lead to an edit to prevent deadlock/nonaction in a critical moment like this.
> Your bodies outside are being affected.

> You question on the next taps.
> "Yeah. The mansion is gone right now."

> You form darkness over the drums and the sticks, stopping her from hitting them.
> The next tap doesn't come. But its absence seems to free you and everyone up again.
> "So you were the one that started all of this." The mermaid speaks. You shouldn't take so many of the fish. They already have to deal with fishermen and other fish. Now you're interrupting their lives, too."
> She doesn't seem angry, though is still upset.
> The drummer shakes her head, holding her hands still.
> Despite not touching them and them being blocked off, the drums start to tap on their own. Though you don't feel anything from it yet...
> Actually, something feels off about your shadow realm. Or maybe just the darkness.

Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #592 on: August 15, 2021, 09:39:20 AM »
Shadow Realm:
>Eject just the drums near Contingency
>Pull the drummer's shadow off of them

>Eject the phantoms' instruments near Contingency
->Steal the phantoms' shadows

>"Now please stop.  If I lose concentration that could be permanent."

>Let out a sigh
->"She was right, again.  Where would be a good place to get more fish for my breeding project. Oh, how many need to be returned?"

>Cover the drums in shadow


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #593 on: August 15, 2021, 10:09:12 AM »
>"Yikes. What happened?"

Shadow Realm:

>("Shadow, any ideas of what's happening to the realm? Do you think drummer girl is attempting to take control of it?")
>("Think you can assist in subduing that one harmlessly and nonlethally if it came down to it?")

>"Am I? Because unless simple fishing somehow counts as attacking the lake, then I doubt I'm who you guys are looking for. Especially since I never attacked anybody either time I was there. Really I was only there for fish... When exactly did this alleged attack happen anyway?"
>"Also I'm well aware that taking too many would be bad for the lake's ecosystem and those that depend on it in the long run, which is why I tried to eat only the ones that were least likely to survive -- either due to age or disease -- and is also part of why I was hoping to start a population in here, so that I could leave the lake's population alone."
>"Of course, I'm open to the ideas of alternative, sustainable forms of meat as well if you'd rather I didn't keep some fish here. Though if you're going to suggest insects, I'll have to decline. Already tried with those and it's not nearly as nourishing as something with actual flesh..."


Shadow Realm:
>Eject just the drums near Contingency
>Pull the drummer's shadow off of them

>Eject the phantoms' instruments near Contingency
->Steal the phantoms' shadows
>Please do not do this.
//Dude we're trying not to cripple or kill people. Also stealing the instruments will just piss them off even more. (Also on an OOC note, stealing the drums would probably hurt Raiko since she's a tsukumogami, or give her a way out of the realm entirely.)

>"Now please stop.  If I lose concentration that could be permanent."

>Let out a sigh
->"She was right, again.  Where would be a good place to get more fish for my breeding project. Oh, how many need to be returned?"
>Proposed change of the first line to this:
>>Glance at the drummer.
>>"Also I'd advise against tampering with my realm... Do something wrong and you may cause something bad for all of us... Look, all I ask is just to have a simple conversation and a peaceful resolution to this whole misunderstanding. I'd rather not have to resort to drastic measures, and I think some of your associates would prefer a nonviolent resolution as well... Besides, have I ever tried to hurt you since this whole thing started?"

//What do you think of this, Phil? Also again sorry that I keep doing things like this...

>the "sigh + she was right again" is unnecessary, as X's criticisms of our hunting methods was directed at us hunting game, not fish. Besides, it's not like we weren't following her advice before the current urge took over either.

Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #594 on: August 15, 2021, 10:25:56 AM »
//The youkai in our Shadow Realm think they are stronger than us and can do what they want.  They are going to keep escalating unless we shut them down hard.  We've also tried repeatedly to talk negotiate.

//I thought we'd weaken not cripple as long as we don't eat the shadows.

//X seemed to be talking about over hunting/fishing

>Steal the shadows like planned if we can reattach them


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #595 on: August 15, 2021, 10:33:18 AM »
//X seemed to be talking about over hunting/fishing
//No, I distinctly remember her criticizing our sloppy hunting skills prior to relearning we can sustain off ambient darkness.

//Still, the "sigh, she was right" is unnecessary. Plus we're already aware of the dangers of overfishing to begin with anyway, not to mention taking precautions against it. Honestly regardless of whether or not X existed to tell us off for such things, we'd probably still have leaned on "sustainable" with regards to taking fish, as it's the smart thing to do.

>Steal the shadows like planned if we can reattach them
>Only if the act alone is mostly painless and they are still insistent on escalating after all other actions.
>Also if we must resort to this, only take the drummer's as she's the only one actively causing problems right now.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2021, 10:37:19 AM by Evil_Nazgul0616 »


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #596 on: August 15, 2021, 10:36:55 AM »
//@Phil edit to post immediately above.

Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #597 on: August 15, 2021, 10:38:45 AM »
//OK, I misunderstood what was being said to us about the fish.

//This works for me.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #598 on: August 15, 2021, 02:49:43 PM »
Shadow Realm:
>Eject just the drums near Contingency
>Pull the drummer's shadow off of them

>Eject the phantoms' instruments near Contingency
->Steal the phantoms' shadows

>"Now please stop.  If I lose concentration that could be permanent."

>Let out a sigh
->"She was right, again.  Where would be a good place to get more fish for my breeding project. Oh, how many need to be returned?"

>Cover the drums in shadow
>"Yikes. What happened?"

Shadow Realm:

>("Shadow, any ideas of what's happening to the realm? Do you think drummer girl is attempting to take control of it?")
>("Think you can assist in subduing that one harmlessly and nonlethally if it came down to it?")

>"Am I? Because unless simple fishing somehow counts as attacking the lake, then I doubt I'm who you guys are looking for. Especially since I never attacked anybody either time I was there. Really I was only there for fish... When exactly did this alleged attack happen anyway?"
>"Also I'm well aware that taking too many would be bad for the lake's ecosystem and those that depend on it in the long run, which is why I tried to eat only the ones that were least likely to survive -- either due to age or disease -- and is also part of why I was hoping to start a population in here, so that I could leave the lake's population alone."
>"Of course, I'm open to the ideas of alternative, sustainable forms of meat as well if you'd rather I didn't keep some fish here. Though if you're going to suggest insects, I'll have to decline. Already tried with those and it's not nearly as nourishing as something with actual flesh..."

>Please do not do this.
//Dude we're trying not to cripple or kill people. Also stealing the instruments will just piss them off even more. (Also on an OOC note, stealing the drums would probably hurt Raiko since she's a tsukumogami, or give her a way out of the realm entirely.)
>Proposed change of the first line to this:
>>Glance at the drummer.
>>"Also I'd advise against tampering with my realm... Do something wrong and you may cause something bad for all of us... Look, all I ask is just to have a simple conversation and a peaceful resolution to this whole misunderstanding. I'd rather not have to resort to drastic measures, and I think some of your associates would prefer a nonviolent resolution as well... Besides, have I ever tried to hurt you since this whole thing started?"

//What do you think of this, Phil? Also again sorry that I keep doing things like this...

>the "sigh + she was right again" is unnecessary, as X's criticisms of our hunting methods was directed at us hunting game, not fish. Besides, it's not like we weren't following her advice before the current urge took over either.
//The youkai in our Shadow Realm think they are stronger than us and can do what they want.  They are going to keep escalating unless we shut them down hard.  We've also tried repeatedly to talk negotiate.

//I thought we'd weaken not cripple as long as we don't eat the shadows.

//X seemed to be talking about over hunting/fishing

>Steal the shadows like planned if we can reattach them
> You cover the drums in shadow. Though it does not stop their tapping.
> ("It might just be the darkness here? The realm is filled with darkness, after all. And i can try to help if its really needed. No ones been hurt yet.")
> True to her consideration, it does just feel like the darkness in here rather than the realm itself. But since it is pretty much darkness, theres hardly a way to tell.

> "Everyone, stop everything you're doing, and let me speak first." The tiny person brings a shiny yellow hammer from seemingly nowhere.
> Your darkness settles to the ground, getting rid of the orb, though also getting rid of the containers you've been making for the fish.
> The drums stop beating.
> Silence... Doesn't feel like anyone can break it...
> "This got really out of hand for a bunch of fish." The small person starts speaking. "I know you feel like her ill intent towards the Prismriver Sisters' instruments, and probably yourself now, Is like an attempted murder, but this all started with some fish. Regardless of who started it or escalated it further, we should stop and go back to neutral grounds. No, we *will*."
> You feel like you can function again.
> The drummer crosses her legs with an annoyed expression.
> "You already started using the Miracle Mallet for this. Might as well let you be the boss this time." She remarks. "For now. This isn't over, though."
> "You're still taking too many. Even the fishermen that don't catch and release only took what they needed." The mermaid complains, before being hit on the head with the small hammer.
> "You're starting something up again." The small person speaks. "No excuses or explanations. We go separate ways, and if one of us messes with the other again, then we can take it seriously."
> The mermaid crosses her arms unhappily.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #599 on: August 15, 2021, 04:34:06 PM »
//And the conga line of failure continues... It's almost a meme how much Rumia has been a loser in this quest since being unsealed. tbh I think the only major conflict where we've had a true victory under our own power where we walked away with a net positive result was against Sendai. Every other time we've either failed and/or had to have someone else step in either to save us or to solve the problem themselves.

//You know what. I'm not going to stop any of your actions today, Phil. In fact, for today you can take the reins entirely. Go nuts. It's becoming clear to me that perhaps a more peaceful and friend-making Rumia isn't the way to go with the current trend, and I kinda feel like an ass for constantly countermanding your posts. (I'm sure the parser would appreciate it if I stopped doing that for a bit as well.)

//Who knows, perhaps going "hostile fey lord" as you put it might make things interesting.

//Also I'm a bit worried that our lack of success might be all because of me, so stepping back for a day will let me see whether or not I've been nothing but a negative influence on this quest.

//So yeah, have fun today. I may pop in for some commentary, but don't expect any commands on my end for the next 24 hours.