> Look over to Seija.
> "Me again. Came to see what you might know about what's going on, now that it's actually happened, as well as how folks were doing here."
>Feel our current head for any abnormalities.
>Try to access the memories of the other head
>How is our magic reserve
> "It's pretty simple. Gensokyo is now a mix of fantasy and reality." Seija explains, leaning against the castle. "Some fantastical things do still work, like most magic, others get beaten by reality. The easiest example you already noticed by now is flying. Unless you've got a magic trick, you need proper wings or other aerial support to fly. Gettin some non-Gensokyo things too, like those buildings and vehicles."
> It's fine. Aside from hurting a bit still.
> Your magic is coming back...
> You recall from your now gone head, new,
strong powers.
> You hope it wasn't a dream. Or maybe, you hope that it was, because that head being destroyed now means that's gone, doesn't it...?